Saturday, February 7, 2015

Backup Zen Load Balancer using PowerShell and System.Net.WebClient

I really like backups. Full backups of systems are nice. Call me crazy, but they are to me. When we started using ZenLoadBalancer, we ran into a small dilemma.

We use Microsoft Data Protection Manager 2012 for our primary backup system and Hyper-V 2008 R2 / 2012 for our primary hyper-visors - not the best of either and the equivalent of oil and water when it comes to backing up virtual Linux machines. It will pause the virtual machine during backup and cause the load balancers - if in a zen cluster like ours - to fail-over.

So... used good old PowerShell to write a backup routine.

What does it do?
  1. Logs into the management console of the Zen Load Balancer
  2. Creates a backup in the console
  3. Downloads the backup file to a local directory
  4. Optionally - Multiple ZenLB backup jobs at once, creates a log file, sends email notifications of statuses, and purges old backup files
We have four ZenLoadBalancer we're using and this script has been working since September of last year with no issues.

Note: Its scheduled to run three times a day via Task Scheduler using:
  • powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file backup-zenlb.ps1
  Create ZenLoadBalancer Backup and Download  
  Based on the parameters saved in the .ps1, each Zen Load Balancer will be contacted to trigger a backup and download and save the backup file(s) by host(s) and date/time.  
  Optionally: Log, Email Notify, Purge Old Backups  
  Author   : Justin Bennett  
  Date    : 2014-09-26  
  Contact  :  
  Revision  : v1.1  
  History  : v1.0 written for Zen 3.03  
        v1.1 added support for Zen 3.05  
  References : Allow untrusted SSL -  
 $scriptRoot = $pwd  
 #$scriptRoot = "D:\ZenLoadBalancers\batch\"  
 $backupJobs = @{}  
 $backupJobs[0] = @{}  
 $backupJobs[0]["backupName"]  = "zenlb1"  
 $backupJobs[0]["backupRoot"] = "$($pwd)\"  
 #$backupJobs[0]["backupRoot"] = "D:\ZenLoadBalancers\backups\"  
 $backupJobs[0]["hostIP"]    = ""  
 $backupJobs[0]["username"]   = "admin"  
 $backupJobs[0]["password"]   = "pass"  
 $backupJobs[0]["domain"]    = ""  
 #$backupJobs[1] = @{}  
 #$backupJobs[1]["backupName"]  = "zenlb2"  
 #$backupJobs[1]["backupRoot"] = "D:\ZenLoadBalancers\backups\"  
 #$backupJobs[1]["hostIP"]    = ""  
 #$backupJobs[1]["username"]   = "admin"  
 #$backupJobs[1]["password"]   = "pass"  
 #$backupJobs[1]["domain"]    = ""  
 #$backupJobs[2] = @{}  
 #$backupJobs[2]["backupName"]  = "zenlb3"  
 #$backupJobs[2]["backupRoot"] = "D:\ZenLoadBalancers\backups\"  
 #$backupJobs[2]["hostIP"]    = ""  
 #$backupJobs[2]["username"]   = "admin"  
 #$backupJobs[2]["password"]   = "pass"  
 #$backupJobs[2]["domain"]    = ""  
 #$backupJobs[3] = @{}  
 #$backupJobs[3]["backupName"]  = "zenlb4"  
 #$backupJobs[3]["backupRoot"] = "D:\ZenLoadBalancers\backups\"  
 #$backupJobs[3]["hostIP"]    = ""  
 #$backupJobs[3]["username"]   = "admin"  
 #$backupJobs[3]["password"]   = "pass"  
 #$backupJobs[3]["domain"]    = ""  
 $purgeOldBackups = $false  
 #$purgeOldBackups = $true  
 $purgeDaysToKeep = 1  
 $purgeRoot = "."  
 #$purgeRoot = "D:\ZenLoadBalancers\backups\"  
 $createEmail = $false  
 #$createEmail = $true  
 $subjectTitle = "Backup Zen Load Balancers - %status%"  
 $emailFrom     = "task-computer@local.domain"  
 #$emailTo     = "", ""  
 $emailTo     = ""  
 $smtpServer = "smtp.local.domain"  
 $createlog = $true  
 $logRoot  = $pwd  
 #$logRoot  = "D:\ZenLoadBalancers\log\"  
 #$debug   = $true  
 $debug   = $false  
 #runtime variables  
 $scriptName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name  
 $scriptpath = $Myinvocation.Mycommand.Path  
 $start = get-date  
 $log = New-Object -TypeName "System.Text.StringBuilder" "";  
 [void]$log.appendline((("Starting Script - ")+($start)))  
 if ($debug) { write-host "Starting Script - $($start)" }  
 $status = @{}  
 function writeLog {  
      $exist = Test-Path "$($logRoot)\$($scriptName).log"  
      $logFile = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter("$($logRoot)\$($scriptName).log", $exist)  
 function sendEmail {  
      try {  
      [void]$log.appendline((("Emailing Results - ")+(get-date)))  
      if ($debug) { write-host "Emailing Results" }  
      $body = "<style type=""text/css"">  
      span { font-family: Calibri, verdana,arial,sans-serif; }  
      table {  
           font-family: Calibri, verdana,arial,sans-serif;  
           border-width: 1px;  
           border-color: #666666;  
           border-collapse: collapse;  
      table th {  
           border-width: 1px;  
           padding: 8px;  
           border-style: solid;  
           border-color: #666666;  
      table td {  
           border-width: 1px;  
           padding: 8px;  
           border-style: solid;  
           border-color: #666666;  
      .footer { font-size: 10pt; }  
      $logHTML = $log.ToString() -replace "`n","<br>"  
      $footer = "<p class=""footer"">[$($scriptpath)[$(get-date (get-item $scriptpath).lastwritetime -format G)] launched from $($env:computername) as $($env:username) at $($start)]</p></span>"  
      #Format the output  
      [string]$emailBody = [string]$body, [string]$logHTML, [string]$footer  
      #Send the report  
      #Needed to send without using default creditianls of the service or computer running the script  
      $s = New-Object System.Security.SecureString  
      $creds = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList "NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON", $S  
      Send-MailMessage -To $emailTo -From $emailFrom -Subject "$($subjectTitle) - $($scriptName)" -BodyAsHtml $emailBody -SmtpServer $smtpServer -Credential $creds  
      } catch { [void]$log.appendline((("Error emailing log data - ")+$_.Exception.Message+(" ")+(get-date))); }  
 function createBackup {  
      ) #end param  
      $backupFile = "backup-$($backupName).tar.gz"  
      $createBackupURL = "https://$($hostIP)/index.cgi?name=$($backupName)&id=3-5&action=Create+Backup"  
      $getBackupURL = "https://$($hostIP)/backup/$($backupFile)"  
      #initiate webclient with ignoring untrusted SSL  
      $netAssembly = [Reflection.Assembly]::GetAssembly([System.Net.Configuration.SettingsSection])  
           $bindingFlags = [Reflection.BindingFlags] "Static,GetProperty,NonPublic"  
           $settingsType = $netAssembly.GetType("System.Net.Configuration.SettingsSectionInternal")  
           $instance = $settingsType.InvokeMember("Section", $bindingFlags, $null, $null, @())  
                $bindingFlags = "NonPublic","Instance"  
                $useUnsafeHeaderParsingField = $settingsType.GetField("useUnsafeHeaderParsing", $bindingFlags)  
                 $useUnsafeHeaderParsingField.SetValue($instance, $true)  
      $webClient = new-object System.Net.webClient  
      $webClient.Credentials = new-object System.Net.NetworkCredential($username, $password, $domain)  
      [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true}  
      #Attempt to create backup  
      try {  
           $webpage = $webClient.DownloadString($createBackupURL)  
      } catch { }  
      if (($webpage.Split("`n"))[36].contains("3.05")) {  
           #version 3.05  
           $lineChkBk = 94  
      } else {  
           #v3.03 or ???  
           $lineChkBk = 92  
      #Check created backup  
      if (($webpage.Split("`n"))[$lineChkBk].Contains("SUCCESS!")) {  
           $bkStatus = $true  
      } else {  
           #Check created backup error  
           $bkStatus = $false  
           $message = "Checking if backup was created failed`nHost Output:`n"+($webpage.Split("`n"))[$lineChkBk] + "`n" + ($webpage.Split("`n"))[93]  
      # last Pull backup details  
      #parse backup output   
      $content = (($webpage.Split("`n"))[$lineChkBk])  
      $content -match "<td>(?<file>backup.[A-Z0-9 _.%+-].gz)</td><td>(?<date>.*[0-9]+)</td>"  
      $files = (((($content -split "<tbody><tr>")[1] -replace "<script language=""javascript"">") -replace "<td>") -replace "</tr><tr>") -split "</td>"  
      $line = 0  
      #search for our backup  
      Do {  
           if ($files[$line] -eq $backupFile) {  
                $backupFilename = $files[$line]  
                $backupFiledate = $files[$line]  
      } while (!($files[$line] -eq $null))  
      #verify backup output parsed  
      if (test-path variable:backupFilename) {  
           $tmpDate= get-date ($backupFiledate.Substring(4,6)+", "+$backupFiledate.Substring(20,4)+", "+$backupFiledate.Substring(11,9))  
           #check backup creation date newer than start failed - +5 min for delta  
           if ((get-date $tmpDate.AddMinutes(+5)) -ge $start) {  
                #download the backup file  
                $tmpFilename = $backupRoot+(get-date $tmpDate -Format "yyyyMMdd_HHmmss-")+$backupFile  
                try { $webClient.DownloadFile($getBackupURL,$tmpFilename); } catch {}  
                #test file download  
                if (test-path -path $tmpFilename ) {  
                     $message = "Backup triggered and the backup file was saved to $($tmpFilename)"  
                     $bkStatus = $true  
                } else {  
                     #test file download failed  
                     $message ="Check $($tmpFilenam) failed - Backup file did not download"  
                     $bkStatus = $false  
           } else {  
                #check backup creation date newer than start failed  
                $message ="Backup date not newer than the start of this runtime"  
                $bkStatus = $false  
      } else {  
           #verify backup output parsed failed  
           $message ="Could not locate the backup filename on output for $($createBackupURL)"  
           $bkStatus = $false  
      #convert bkstatus to Success or Failure for readable output  
      if ($bkstatus) {  
           $bkstatus = "Success"  
      } else {  
           $bkstatus = "Failure"  
      [void]$log.appendline(((" - Backup $($bkstatus): $($message) - ")+(get-date)))  
      if ($debug) { write-host "Backup $($bkstatus): $($message)"; }  
 function purgeOldFiles {  
      ) #end param  
      Get-ChildItem "$($root)$($filename)" | ? {((get-date $_.LastWriteTime).AddDays($daysToKeep) -le (Get-date)) } | % {  
           [void]$log.appendline(((" - Purging Old File, Filename: $($_), Date: $($_.LastWriteTime) - ")+(get-date)))  
           if ($debug) { write-host "Purging Old File, Filename: $($_), Date: $($_.LastWriteTime)" }  
           remove-item $_  
 #run the backup jobs  
 foreach ($backup in $backupjobs.keys) {  
      createBackup -backupName $backupJobs[$backup]["backupName"] -backupRoot $backupJobs[$backup]["backupRoot"] -hostIP $backupJobs[$backup]["hostIP"] -username $backupJobs[$backup]["username"] -password $backupJobs[$backup]["password"] -domain $backupJobs[$backup]["domain"]   
 #purge old backup files  
 if ($purgeOldBackups) { purgeOldFiles -root $purgeRoot -filename "*.tar.gz" -daysToKeep $purgeDaysToKeep; }  
 [void]$log.appendline((("Ending Script - ")+(get-date)))  
 if ($debug) { write-host "Ending Script - $(get-date)" }  
 #update e-mail subject to add statuses  
 if ($status["Success"] -gt 0) {  
      if ($status["Failure"] -gt 0) {     $tmpOutput = "Failures: "+$status["Failure"]+", Successes: "+$status["Success"];}  
      else { $tmpOutput = "Successes: "+$status["Success"]; }  
 } else { $tmpOutput = "Failures: "+$status["Failure"] ;}  
 $subjectTitle = $subjectTitle -replace "%status%", $tmpOutput  
 if ($createEmail) { sendEmail; }  
 if ($createLog) { writeLog; }  
Formatted for web with 

Example Backup Job

Example Backup Folder
Email Results of Production

Monday, February 2, 2015

Quick and Dirty VM Statistics

Using the built in Hyper-V PowerShell Cmdlet "get-vm" in Windows Server 2012 allows you to quickly gather usage information about Hyper-V Host's VMs.

I wrote the following PowerShell bit for a set of Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V Hosts that are part of a Failover Cluster I manage to quickly gather statistics.

Current version at

#Script to gather VM statistics on multiple Hyper-V hosts

#Hyper-V Hosts
$servers = "host1","host2","host3"  

$vms= Get-VM -computername $servers | select name, @{n="MemAssign";e={[int]($_.MemoryAssigned/1MB)}}, @{n="MemMax";e={[int]($_.MemoryMaximum/1MB)}}, @{n="MemStart";e={[int]($_.MemoryStartup/1MB)}}, @{n="MemDemand";e={[int]($_.MemoryDemand/1MB)}}, @{n="ProcCount";e={[int]($_.Processorcount)}}, state, DynamicMemoryEnabled  
$total = $vms | Group-Object | %{  
   New-Object psobject -Property @{  
      VMCount = ($_.Group).Count  
     MemAssignGB = [Math]::Round(($_.Group | Measure-Object MemAssign -Sum).Sum/1024,1)  
      #If Dynamic Memory is not enable, don't sum up the potential max memory MemMaxGB  
      MemMaxGB = [Math]::Round(($_.Group | ? { $_.DynamicMemoryEnabled } | Measure-Object MemMax -Sum).Sum/1024,1)  
      MemDemandGB = [Math]::Round(($_.Group | Measure-Object MemDemand -Sum).Sum/1024,1)  
      MemStartGB = [Math]::Round(($_.Group | Measure-Object MemStart -Sum).Sum/1024,1)  
      ProcCount = ($_.Group | Measure-Object ProcCount -Sum).Sum  
$subtotals = $vms | Group-Object State | %{  
   New-Object psobject -Property @{  
     State = $_.Name  
      VMCount = ($_.Group).Count  
     MemAssignGB = [Math]::Round(($_.Group | Measure-Object MemAssign -Sum).Sum/1024,1)  
      #If Dynamic Memory is not enable, don't sum up the potential max memory MemMaxGB  
      MemMaxGB = [Math]::Round(($_.Group | ? { $_.DynamicMemoryEnabled } | Measure-Object MemMax -Sum).Sum/1024,1)  
      MemDemandGB = [Math]::Round(($_.Group | Measure-Object MemDemand -Sum).Sum/1024,1)  
      MemStartGB = [Math]::Round(($_.Group | Measure-Object MemStart -Sum).Sum/1024,1)  
      ProcCount = ($_.Group | Measure-Object ProcCount -Sum).Sum  
$vms | ft  
$total | ft VMCount, ProcCount, MemAssignGB, MemMaxGB, MemDemandGB, MemStartGB  
$subtotals | ft State, VMCount, ProcCount, MemAssignGB, MemMaxGB, MemDemandGB, MemStartGB  
Formatted for web with 

Your mileage may very.